Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes Specialist in Colorado Springs, CO

Certified Eye Care Specialists

Over 25 Years Experience

State-Of-The-Art Treatments

Dry Eyes Specialists

What Is Dry Eyes?

Tears aren’t just for when you’re sad they’re actually extremely important for keeping your eyes lubricated, healthy, and protected from potential swelling or damage. Tears can be ineffective for a number of reasons, but whether you’re not producing enough tears or your tears are of a quality that fails to protect, your eyes can start to feel dry, uncomfortable, and even painful.

Dry eye being treated with artificial tear in Springs, CO

At Haas Vision Center, our team of experienced dry eyes specialists can help you find the relief you need. We know how uncomfortable it can be to live with chronic dry eye, and we’re here to help you treat your condition and keep your eyes as healthy as possible. As a small practice, we promise to take the time to answer every question you have before you leave our office, keeping our focus on our patients and putting them first.

Although dry eye is common, it’s important to receive high-quality care and place your trust in the best eye specialist Colorado Springs has to offer. If you’re ready to experience clarity, peace of mind, and the patient-first vision care you deserve, schedule your first appointment at Haas Vision Center today.

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Diagnose, Test & Prevent Dry Eyes

Professional Diagnosis of Dry Eyes

If you’re struggling with chronically dry eyes, you’ll have noticed several symptoms that leave your eyes feeling uncomfortable, or even painful. 

If we determine that you do need treatment, Dr. Haas can refer you to Retinal Consultant of Southern Colorado, where you can receive:

  • Light sensitivity
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Stinging of the eyes
  • A feeling of burning or scratching 
  • Trouble driving at night
  • Consistently watery eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Feeling like you have something in your eye
  • Fatigued vision
  • Trouble putting in contact lenses
  • Mucus in or around the eyes

If you’re exhibiting signs of dry eyes, it’s time to come into our Colorado Springs office for an expert diagnosis. At Haas Vision Center, Dr. Haas uses several tests to determine the underlying cause of your dry eyes. These tests include:

  • A diagnostic eye exam, which includes an examination of your overall medical history
  • The Schirmer test, which measures your tear production using strips of paper under your lower eyelids
Cataract surgery is being performed in Springs, CO
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Intraocular lens inserted during cataract surgery in Springs, CO

Top Dry Eye Specialists In Colorado Springs

Treatment Options for Dry Eyes

For many people, dry eyes are treatable at home using over-the-counter drops. However, some patients who are struggling with severe, chronic dry eye conditions may need professional intervention from an experienced ophthalmologist like the team at Haas Vision Center.

Dr. Haas offers several treatment options for patients who are living with chronic dry eye. The most common treatments we administer at Haas Vision Center include:


Specially prescribed eye drops that are designed to treat dry eyes can help manage the amount of inflammation that occurs on the surface of your eye, also known as the cornea. These drops contain immune-suppressing medications, including cyclosporine or corticosteroids.

Punctal Plugs

Punctal plugs are minuscule plugs made of silicone that your ophthalmologist can use to plug your tear ducts to help your eyes retain moisture. These plugs are removable and should sit unnoticed in the tear duct.

If you’re diagnosed with dry eyes during your consultation at Haas Vision Center, Dr. Haas will review all of these options with you in detail, answering your questions and helping to develop a treatment plan that works for your individual needs.

haas vision center exam cta

Request Your Appointment Today

If you’re exhibiting signs of dry eyes, it’s time to come into our Colorado Springs office for an expert diagnosis.

Glaucoma Specialist in Colorado Springs, CO

Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Dry Eyes?

Dry eyes can happen for several different reasons, but in all circumstances, the tear film that moistens your eyes and keeps them lubricated has been compromised. This film is made up of three layers:

  • Fatty oils
  • Aqueous fluid
  • Mucus

If any one of these layers is out of balance, your eyes can become dry and uncomfortable. Some of the most common things that can alter your tear film include:

  • Autoimmune problems
  • Allergies
  • Issues with tear production
  • Changes in hormones
Why Is It Important To Receive Treatment For Dry Eyes?

While dry eyes may not sound like a serious issue, the consequences of leaving them untreated are nothing to ignore. The tear film that is compromised in cases of dry eye protects your eyes from several complications, including infections and surface damage to your cornea. Additionally, dry eyes can make it difficult to read, drive, and generally feel comfortable on a daily basis.

Who Is Most At Risk For Dry Eyes?

If you identify with any of the following, you may be at a higher risk for experiencing dry eyes than others:

  • You’re over the age of 50
  • Your diet is low in Vitamin A
  • You’re a woman
  • You have ever been pregnant, taken birth control, or gone through menopause
  • You’ve had refractive surgery in the past
  • You wear contact lenses
How Do I Get Started With The Top Dry Eyes Doctor Near Me?

If you are looking for an experienced eye specialist in Colorado Springs, visit Haas Vision Center. Our Colorado ophthalmology office is located at 6760 Corporate Drive, Suite 180, Colorado Springs, CO 80919. Schedule your appointment online today, or call us at 719-272-4227.